01. What to expect at CARTOON 360

Hideki Nagaishi 0

The 6th CARTOON 360, a pitching event for animation producers interested in developing their animation projects into a transmedia brand, […]

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02. “Burnout Diary”: an interesting project from Cartoon 360

Hideki Nagaishi 0

Cartoon 360 is a transmedia pitching event in Lille, France, which took place 2th-4th December 2019. During that time, 24 […]

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03. “Immortal”: an interesting project from Cartoon 360

Hideki Nagaishi 0

Cartoon 360 is a transmedia pitching event in Lille, France, which took place 2th-4th December 2019. During that time, 24 […]

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04. “Thomas Merritt’s cabinet of curiosities”: an interesting project from Cartoon 360

Hideki Nagaishi 0

Cartoon 360 is a transmedia pitching event in Lille, France, which took place 2th-4th December 2019. During that time, 24 […]

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05. “Women in War”: an interesting project from Cartoon 360

Hideki Nagaishi 0

Cartoon 360 is a transmedia pitching event in Lille, France, which took place 2th-4th December 2019. During that time, 24 […]

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