Hideki Nagaishi 0

Here are the 6 best films that we’ve picked from the 42 short films which are being nominated for the […]

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03. ITFS 2023: Winners

Hideki Nagaishi 0

The 30th Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film gathered animation lovers from around the world with diverse programme, including the […]

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02. Our Picks (Short films)

Hideki Nagaishi 0

Here are the 6 best films that we’ve picked from the short films nominated for International Competition at the Stuttgart […]

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01. Cartoon Movie 2023 at a Glance

Hideki Nagaishi 0

Cartoon Movie 2023 was held from 7th to 9th March at the Bordeaux Congress Centre in France and 58 animated […]

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00. Cartoon Movie 2023: Presenting 58 Film Projects

Hideki Nagaishi 0

Cartoon Movie is an indispensable business event for the European animation industry that has facilitated the creation of long-lasting partnerships […]

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00. The 25th Unifrance Rendez-vous in Paris 

Hideki Nagaishi 0

The biggest market and press junket of French cinema and audiovisual works The 25th annual Unifrance Rendez-Vous in Paris was […]

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