Here are the 6 best films that we’ve picked from the short films nominated for International Competition at the Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film (ITFS) 2023.

Human Resources
[France, 2022]
Directors: Isaac Wenzek, Titouan Tillier, and Trinidad Plass Caussade
Scriptwriters: Isaac Wenzek, Titouan Tillier, and Trinidad Plass Caussade
Producer: Cécile Proust
Technique: Stop-motion
Running time: 3:30

Ice Merchants
[Portugal, France, United Kingdom, 2022]
Director: João Gonzalez
Author: João Gonzalez
Music: João Gonzalez
Producers: Bruno Caetano and Michaël Proença
Technique: 2D hand-drawn
Running time: 14:33

[Israel, 2022]
Director: Michael Faust
Author: Michael Faust
Technique: 2D digital
Running time: 7:40

Letter to a Pig
[France, Israel, 2022]
Director: Tal Kantor
Scriptwriter: Tal Kantor
Music: Pierre Oberkampf
Producers: Miyu Productions (France), The Hive Studio (Israel)
Techniques: 2D hand-drawn, Rotoscoping
Running time: 16:50

[Spain, 2022]
Director: Carmen Córdoba González
Scriptwriter: Carmen Córdoba González
Music: Fryluka Musical
Producer: Carmen Córdoba González
Technique: 3D digital
Running time: 10:00

The Record
[Switzerland, 2022]
Director: Jonathan Laskar
Scriptwriter: Jonathan Laskar
Animation: Jonathan Laskar, Sébastien Godard, and Sophie Laskar-Haller
Producer: Sophie Laskar-Haller
Technique: 2D digital
Running time: 8:38

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