The 90 nominees for the second event of the Emile Awards, which is nearly double the number of nominees for the first event, were announced by Peter Lord, President of the European Animation Awards (EAA) Association, Didier Brunner, Vice President of EAA, Jean-Paul Commin, General Secretary of EAA and Matie Haroutian, General Delegate of EAA, in Athens on 8th November.

The winner for each category will be decided by the EAA association members’ online votes between 8th and 30th November. The Awards ceremony will take place at Le Nouveau Siècle in Lille, France on 8th December, 2018.


Student Film

Best Achivement in a student film

  • A Love Letter to the One I Made up​​ (Israel) directed by ​Rachel Gutgarts
  • Bless you! ​​(Poland) directed by ​Paulina Ziolkowska
  • Enough​​ (United Kingdom) directed by ​Anna Mantzaris
  • Petits Poissons​​ (France) directed by ​Noémie Buffat
  • Pura Vida​​ (Estonia) directed by ​Nata Metlukh

Short Film


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Best Direction

  • Bloeistraat 11​​ (Belgium, Netherlands) directed by ​Nienke Deutz
  • Egg​​ (France, Denmark) directed by ​Martina Scarpelli
  • Fest​​ (Germany) directed by ​Nikita Diakur
  • Musical Traumas​​ (Serbia) directed by ​Miloš Tomić
  • This Magnificent Cake! (​Belgium, France, Netherlands) directed by ​Emma De Swaef and Marc James Roels


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Best Background and Character Design

  • Cat days​​ (Germany) directed by ​Jon Frickey
  • (Fool) Time Job (France) directed by ​Gilles Cuvelier
  • Have Heart​​ (United Kingdom) directed by ​Will Anderson
  • Last Stop is the Moon​​ (Poland, Lithuania) directed by ​Birute Sodeikaite
  • The Fruits of Clouds​​ (Czech Republic) ​Alžběta Skálova (artistic director), Kateřina Karhánková (director)



Commissioned Film

Best Achivement in a Commissioned Film

  • A most precise and nuanced look into the life of the man, legend and visionary – Martin Luther ​​- (Denmark) directe by Magnus Igland Møller
  • BBC Winter Olympics “The Fearless Are Here” ​​(United Kingdom) directed by ​Smith & Foulkes
  • Better Humans (​​United Kingdom) directed by ​Moth Studio
  • Dancing on Ice​​ (United Kingdom) directed by ​Goodbye Kansas Studios
  • Lystfiskeren​​ (Denmark) directed by​ Sara Aunbirk



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Best Direction

  • Ariol – Dracuriol (France) directed by ​Hélène Friren
  • Ella, Oscar & Hoo – Nhooël, Nhooël​​ ​​(France) directed by ​Emmanuel Linderer
  • Esther’s Notebooks – The Hundred Years War (France) directed by ​Riad Sattouf and Mathias Varin
  • Hey Duggee – The Space Badge ​​(United Kingdom) directed by ​Grant Orchard
  • The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe (Denmark) directed by Christian Bøving-Andersen and Eva LeeWallberg


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Best Writing

  • Angela’s Christmas ​​(Ireland) ​Will Collins, Damien O’Connor (writers)
  • Max & Maestro – The Supersonic Ear​​ (France, Italy, Germany) ​Agathe Robilliard (writer)
  • Nate is Late – The Invaders ​​(France, Australia) | ​Simon Lecocq (writer), Sylvain Huchet (head writer)
  • The Highway Rat​​ (United Kingdom) ​Jeroen Jaspaert (writer)
  • Vitello – Vitello Gets a Yucky Girlfriend ​​(Denmark) ​Kim Fupz Aakeson, Ida Mule Scott (writers)


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Best Storyboard

  • A New Kind of Magic – A Fish out of Water (France) ​Stéphane Annette (storyboard artist)
  • Ella, Oscar & Hoo – The Treasure Map​​ (France) ​David Berthier (storyboard artists), Emmanuel Linderer(storyboard supervisor)
  • Nate is Late – The Invaders ​​(France, Australia) J​oseph Herbelin and Jeremy Guiter (storyboardartists), Edouard Kuchiman (storyboard supervisor)
  • The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe (Denmark) ​Kenneth Ladekjær and Eva Lee Wallberg(storyboard artists)
  • The Highway Rat​​ (United Kingdom) ​Tim Dillnutt and Jeroen Jaspaert (storyboard artists)


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Best Character Animation

  • Ella, Oscar & Hoo – Nhooël, Nhooël​​ (France) ​The animation team led by Emmanuel Linderer (director) and Erik Simon (animation supervisor)
  • Nate is Late – The Invaders ​​(France, Australia) M​ atthieu Giner and Mireille Tran (co-animators)
  • Rolling with the Ronks! – Take it to the field ​​(France) J​ ean-Christophe Dessaint (animator)
  • The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe (Denmark) ​Tina Lykke Thorn, Henrik Sønniksen, MikkelVedel and Eva Lee Wallberg (co-animators)
  • The Highway Rat​​ (United Kingdom) ​Quentin Vogel (animator) and the Triggerfish animation team


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Best Background and Character Design

  • Ariol – Dracuriol (France) ​Caz Murrell, François-Marc Baillet and Marc Boutavant (co-designers)
  • Claude – Rampaging Robots​​ (United Kingdom) ​Angeliki Charenia (designer) and the Claude art team
  • Esther’s Notebooks – The Hundred Years War ​​(France) ​Charlotte Cambon de Lavalette, Caz Murrell,Tom Viguier and Riad Sattouf (co-designers)
  • Petit Malabar – The Greedy Algae (France) ​Bastien Dupriez, Armelle Prunier, Nelly Blumenthal, HélèneYounous and Rémi Juillet (co-designers)
  • The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe (Denmark) ​Mikkel Sommer and Birk Von Brockdorff (co-designers)


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Best Soundtrack

  • A Man is dead​​ (France) Yan Volsy and Pablo Pico (composer)
  • Angela’s Christmas (Ireland) ​Darren Hendley (composer)
  • Animanimals – Ameise​​ (Germany) ​Christian Heck (composer)
  • Rita Og Krokodille – Blueberries ​​(Denmark) ​Tanera Dawkins (composer)
  • The Highway Rat​​ (United Kingdom) ​René Aubry (composer)


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Best Sound Design

  • Angela’s Christmas (Ireland) ​Peter Blayney, Steve Maher (sound designers)
  • Athleticus – Middle-distance running​​ (France) ​Célia Sayaphoum (s​o​​und designer)
  • Oggy and the Cockroaches – Zmen to the rescue (France) ​Anne-Sophie Coste, Manuel Drouglazet and Nicolas Maia (sound designers)
  • Pipas & Douglas – The Princess and the Dragon (France) ​Romain Anklewicz and Alexandre Lormeau (sound designers)
  • Sounzee – Rickle Pick ​​(Hungary) Adrian Kollar (​s​​ound designer)



Feature Film


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Best Direction

  • Another Day of Life (Poland, Spain, Belgium, Germany) ​directed by Raúl de la Fuente and Damian Nenow
  • Captain Morten and the Spider Queen ​​(Estonia, Belgium, Ireland, United Kingdom) directed by ​Kaspar Jancis, Henry Nicholson and Riho Unt
  • Funan​​ (France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Cambodia) directed by Denis Do
  • Teheran Tabu ​​(Germany, Austria) dircted by ​Ali Soozandeh
  • The Breadwinner ​​(Ireland, Luxembourg, Canada) directed by ​Nora Twomey


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Best Writing

  • Another Day of Life (Poland, Spain, Belgium, Germany) ​Raúl de la Fuente, Damian Nenow, David Weber, Amaia Remirez and Niall Johnson (writers)
  • Chris the Swiss ​​(Switzerland, Croatia, Germany, Finland) ​Anja Kofmel (writer)
  • Funan​​ (France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Cambodia) ​Denis Do and Magali Pouzol (writers)
  • Gordon & Paddy (Sweden) ​Janne Vierth (writer)
  • Teheran Tabu ​​(Germany, Austria) ​Ali Soozandeh (writer)


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Best Storyboard

  • White Fang ​​(France, Luxembourg) ​Simon Andriveau, David Canoville, Lian-Cho Han Jin Kuang, Ahmed Nasri and Oussama Bouacheria (storyboard artists)
  • Dilili in Paris ​​(France, Belgium, Germany) ​Michel Ocelot (storyboard artist)
  • Early Man​​ (United Kingdom) ​Ashley Boddy, Andy Janes, Richard Phelan, Michael Salter and LuisZamora-Pueyo (storyboard artists)
  • Gordon & Paddy (Sweden) ​Elinor Bergman (storyboard artist)
  • The Breadwinner (Ireland, Luxembourg, Canada) ​Giovanna Ferrari, Julien Regnard and Stuart Shankly (storyboard artists)


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Best Character Animation

  • Captain Morten and the Spider Queen (Estonia, Belgium, Ireland, United Kingdom) ​Mart Kivi and Sam Turner (key animators)
  • Early Man​​ (United Kingdom) ​Early Man character animation team
  • Luis & the Aliens​​ (Germany, Luxembourg, Denmark) ​Jo Bub & Luis and The Aliens animation team
  • The Breadwinner ​​(Ireland, Luxembourg, Canada) ​Fabian Erlinghäuser, John Walsh, Lorraine Lordan, Jeremy Purcell,Viktor Ens, Nicolas Debray, Geoff King and Emmanuel Asquier-Brassart (animators)
  • Zombillenium​​ (France, Belgium) ​Julien Belloteau, Arthur de Pins, Alexis Ducord, Marie-Laure Guisset, Jeanne Irzenski,David Nasser and Romain Vacher (animators)


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Best Background and Character Design

  • Another Day of Life ​​(Poland, Spain, Belgium, Germany) ​Rafał Wojtunik (art director)
  • Chris the Swiss ​​(Switzerland, Croatia, Germany, Finland) ​Simon Eltz, Anja Kofmel and SergeValbert (art director)
  • Funan​​ (France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Cambodia) ​Michael Crouzat (art director)
  • The Breadwinner (Ireland, Luxembourg, Canada) ​Ciaran Duffy and Reza Raihi (art directors), Sandra Andersen(character designer)
  • The Incredible Story of The Giant Pear​​ (Denmark) Troels Christoffersen (production design), Bjørn Pedersen(character model supervisor)


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Best Soundtrack

  • Another Day of Life (Poland, Spain, Belgium, Germany) ​Mikel Salas (composer)
  • Black is Beltza​​ (Spain) ​Fermin Muguruza and Raül Refree (composers)
  • Chris the Swiss (Switzerland, Croatia, Germany, Finland) ​Marcel Vaid (composer)
  • The Incredible Story of The Giant Pear​​ (Denmark) F​ridolin Nordsø (composer)
  • THEOX​​ (Greece) ​Dimitra Trypani (composer)


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Best Sound Design

  • Another Day of Life (Poland, Spain, Belgium, Germany) ​Oriol Tarragó (sound designer)
  • Chris the Swiss ​(Switzerland, Croatia, Germany, Finland) ​Markus Krohn (sound designer)
  • Funan​​ (France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Cambodia) ​Nicolas Leroy, Michel Schillings and Nicolas Tran Trong (sound designers)
  • Teheran Tabu (Germany, Austria) ​Janis Grossmann (sound designer)
  • The Tower​​ (France, Norway, Sweden) ​Christian Holm and Erik Clauss (sound designers)



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