The 28th Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film gathered animation lovers from around the world to its online platform with its diverse programme, including the online screening of more than 400 shorts and feature films, video conferences, masterclasses and workshops from 4th to 9th May. Its online platform had a more sophisticated design with better usability by reflecting upon their successful experience of holding a digital edition festival last year, such as the ITFS media library, which was opened to access for ONLINE + and ONLINE PRO tickets holders from 3rd to 16th May.

Award Winners

The official awards ceremony streamed live on the festival website ‘’ from 7pm on 9th May and the winners of the various competitions have been presented and honoured in the live stream. The audiences were given the opportunity to watch all the short films that won their respective awards.

[International Competition]
Grand Prix– Grand Award for Animated Film


Precieux (English title: Precious)

France 2020
Director: Paul Mas
Producers: Perrine Capron, Marc Jousset
Production: Je Suis Bien Content

[special mention]

Only a Child

Switzerland 2020
Director: Simone Giampaolo
Producer: Gabriella de Gara
Production: AMKA Films Productions

[Lotte Reiniger Promotion Award for Animated Film]
Award for the best graduation film by a film student


Have a Nice Dog!

Germany, Syria 2020
Director: Jalal Maghout
Producer: Karsten Matern
School: Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF

[special mention]

Jestem tutaj (English title: I’m here)

Poland 2020
Director: Julia Orlik
Producer: The Polish National Film, Television and Theatre School Lodz

[Young Animation]
Award for the best student film


Have a Nice Dog!

Germany, Syria 2020
Director: Jalal Maghout
Producer: Karsten Matern
School: Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF

[special mention]

The Song of a Lost Boy

UK 2020
Director: Daniel Quirke
Producer: Jamie MacDonald
School: NFTS – National Film and Television School Beaconsfield Film Studios

Award for the best animated feature-length film



Ireland, Luxembourg, USA 2020
Directors: Tomm Moore, Ross Stewart
Producers: Paul Young, Nora Twomey, Tomm Moore, Stéphan Roelants
Production: Cartoon Saloon, Melusine Productions

[special mention]


France, Spain 2020
Director: Aurel
Producer: Serge Lalou
Production: Les Films d’Ici Méditerranée, Imagic TV World sales: The Party Film Sales

[TrickStar Nature Award]
Award for the best international animated short film that deals with the topics of climate protection, biodiversity, environment, and sustainability



France 2020
Directors: Hugo Caby, Zoé Devise, Antoine Dupriez, Aubin Kubiak, Lucas Lermytte
Producer: Carlos De Carvalho

[special mention]


Iran 2020
Director: Mahsa Samani
Producer: Mahsa Samani

[Tricks For Kids]
Award for the best children’s animated film



Spain 2020
Director: Carmen Córdoba González
Producer: Carmen Córdoba González

[special mention]

Reven og Nissen (English title: The Tomten and the Fox)

Norway, Sweden, Danmark 2019
Directors: Yaprak Morali, Are Austness
Producers: Ove Heiborg, Thomas Gustafsson, Johan Palmberg

Les Chaussures de Louis (English title: Louis’ Shoes)

France 2020
Directors: Théo Jamin, Kayu Leung, Marion Philippe, Jean-Géraud Blanc
Production: MOPA – L’Ècole du Film d’Animation et de l’image de Synthèse
School: MOPA – L’Ècole du Film d’Animation et de l’image de Synthèse

[FANtastic  Award]
Award for the best animation talent



UK 2020
Director: Gagandeep Kalirai
Producer: James Bowsher
School: NFTS – National Film and Television School Beaconsfield Film Studios

[special mention]

Mon ami qui brille dans la nuit (English title: My Friend who Shines in the Night)

France 2020
Directors: Grégoire De Bernouis, Jawed Boudaoud, Simon Cadilhac, Hélène Ledevin
Producer: Moïra Marguin
School: GOBELINS, l’école de l’image

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