The 35th Cartoon Forum was held from 16th to 19th September 2024 at Toulouse, France. This year, a variety of TV animation projects were pitched in front of 993 participants ranging from producers, investors, broadcasters, and buyers, to SVoD/VoD platforms.

The Top 10 Projects Most Attractive to Participants

The 75 pitched projects showed a great variety of genres and visual styles, portraying the richness of European animation series. The top 10 projects that attracted the largest number of participants are listed below:

A Lam­b’s Stew (La Cabane Productions, France / Thuristar, Bel­gium)

Esther (Take Five, Bel­gium / Sacrebleu Productions, France /Rudo Company, Argenti­na)

The Wolf in Underpants (KMBO Production, France / Les Films de l’Arlequin, France)

Lost in the Future (Ellipse Animation, France)

My Great Great Great Family! (Dandelooo, France)

Mas­ter of the Unicorns (Cyber Group Studios, France)

The 4Th Planet (Les Astronautes, France / Sun Creature, France)

The Tour de Fear (Samka Animation, France)

Mary & Franky (Media Valley, France)

The Sand­wolf (Tant Mieux Prod, France)

Cartoon Forum 2024 Statistics

1. Projects Pitched

75 projects were pitched, which were selected by CARTOON from 20 European countries.

2. Number of Projects by Country

France36Czech Repub­lic1Serbia1

3. Number of Projects by Target Audience

Target Audiencepercentage
Pre-school (2-6)7%
Children (5-11)61%
Young adults / Adults24%

4. Number of Projects by Format

Running TimeNumber
Up to 5 minutes7
6 – 10 minutes13
11 – 13 minutes27
22 – 30 minutes23
Over 40 minutes5

Cartoon Forum Tributes 2024

The Cartoon Tributes are the professional awards given to broadcasters, investors/distributors, and producers who’ve made positive contributions to the European TV animation industry. Winners were voted by the 993 professionals from 42 countries who participated in Cartoon Forum 2024. 

The Winners of 2024

  • Broadcaster of the Year: ARTE (France/Germany)
  • Investor/Distributor of the Year: ZDF Studios (Germany)
  • Producer of the Year: Cartoon Saloon (Ireland)
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