CEE Animation Forum is a pitching competition which gathers animation projects across Europe. The event is organized by CEE Animation, a platform for the animation industry in Central and Eastern Europe. The pitching event was held from 6th to 8th October as a digital version due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This year’s CEE Animation Forum streamed video pitches of 40 selected animation projects in development, which are in four categories: Short films, Series and TV specials, Feature films, and XR (VR, AR, MR and other immersive formats) on CEE Animation’s official Facebook page.

1. Winners of the Special Prizes

CEE Animation Forum AWARD

[Short Films]

The Garden of Heart

Director: Oliver Hegyi
Producer: Balint Gelley (CUB Animation, Hungary)

[Series and TV Specials]

No Happily Ever After

Directors: Gabriela Plačková and Alžběta Göbelová
Producer: Mária Móťovská (Helium film, Czech Republic)

[Feature Films]


Director: Natia Nikolashvili
Producer: Vladimer Katcharava (20 Steps Productions, Georgia)


Paperback VR

Director: Robertas Nevecka
Producer: Giedre Burokaite (Meno avilys, Lithuania)



Director: Eliska Podzimkova
Producer: Jiri Sadek (COFILM, Czech Republic)

2. The Projects that Attracted Us

We watched all pitches at CEE Animation Forum 2020 and the projects that attracted us the most are the three projects below.

[Short Films]

In Her Face

Director: Margarida Madeira
Producer: Ana Paula Catarino (BRO Cinema, Portugal)

[Series and TV Specials]

No Happily Ever After

Directors: Gabriela Plačková and Alžběta Göbelová
Producer: Mária Móťovská (Helium film, Czech Republic)

[Feature Films]

King Wray

Directors: Anton Groves and Damian Groves
Producer: Ana Maria Parvan (Anchor films, Romania)

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