Cartoon Movie 2022 was held from 8th to 10th March at the Bordeaux Congress Centre in France and 57 animated feature projects were pitched to over 900 professionals from 42 countries, including 297 buyers.

The Top 10 Projects Most Attractive to Participants

The 57 pitched projects showed great diversity in genres and graphical styles, portraying the richness of the European animated film industry. Below are the top 10 projects that attracted the largest number of participants, according to Cartoon:

1. Melvile
Need Pro­duc­tions (Bel­gium), Spe­cial Touch Studios (France) and Cre­ative Touch Studios (France)

2. Young Vincent
Sub­ma­rine (Nether­lands) and Tchack (France)

3. The Amazing Maurice
Ulysses Film­pro­duk­tion (Ger­many) and Can­tilever Media (Unit­ed Kingdom)

4. Titina
Mikro­film (Nor­way) and Vivi Film (Bel­gium)

5. Mary Anning
La Boîte,… Productions (Bel­gium), Nadas­dy Film (Switzer­land) and Les Films du Nord (France)

6. Flow
Dream Well (Latvia), Sacre­bleu Productions (France) and CINÉ-LIT­TÉ Productions (Ger­many)

7. Juul
Fab­rique Fantastique (Bel­gium), Toon2Tango (Ger­many), Mr. Miya­gi Film (Spain), Kepler Film (Nether­lands) and M.A.R.K. 13 (Ger­many)

8. Starseed
Spe­cial Touch Studios (France) and Aparte (Roma­nia)

9. At the Ark at 8
Zoop­er Film (Ger­many), Now Films (Ger­many), Par­ka Pictures (Den­mark) and Hydral­ab (Den­mark)

10. Living Large
Bar­let­ta (Czech Republic), Novan­i­ma Productions (France) and NOVIN­S­KI (Slo­va­kia)

Cartoon Movie 2022 Statistics

1. Projects

There were 57 animated feature film projects from 19 European countries pitched at Cartoon Movie 2022.

2. Number of Projects by Country (Main Producers)

Czech Republic3Croatia1

3. Number of projects by target audience

Target AudienceProjects
Young Adults / Adults21

Cartoon Movie Tributes 2022

The Cartoon Movie Tributes 2022, the prestigious prizes for outstanding contribution to the development of European animation over the past year, were decided by the votes of participants.

The Winners are:

Director of the year: Jonas Poher Rasmussen (Denmark) for Flee
Producer of the year: Fresh Films (Czech Republic), Les Films du Cygne (France), Cinemart (Slovakia) and Animoon (Poland) for Even Mice Belong in Heaven.
Distributor of the year: Charades (France)

Nordic Spotlight

Cartoon Movie put the spotlight on Nordic animation this year. 8 rich and diverse Nordic animated feature projects were pitched at Cartoon Movie 2022:
Just Super Qvisten Animation (Norway)
Magical Friends Ulvenfilm (Norway) and Kool Produktion (Norway)
My True Imaginery Friend – Mr. Clutterbuck Monkey Business Pictures (Finland) and Aurora Pictures (Finland)
Niko – Beyond the Northern Lights Animaker (Finland), Anima Vitae (Finland), Ulysses Filmproduktion (Germany), A. Film Production (Denmark) and Moetion Films (Ireland)
Odd is an Egg Miso Film (Norway)
Ploey 2 GunHil (Iceland)
Titina Mikrofilm (Norway) and Vivi Film (Belgium)
Valemon: the Polar Bear King Maipo Film (Norway)

Trailers for Pitched Projects

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