Cartoon Movie 2018, organized by CARTOON (from 7th to 9th March), ended successfully at Palais des Congrès in Bordeaux, France. It was the 20th edition of Cartoon Movie and gathered more than 900 participants from 41 different countries. 257 buyers, including 126 distributors and sales agents, got together for the professional pitch forum, which has lead the European animated film industry.

Cartoon Movie 2018 Statistics

1. Projects

The selected 60 projects of animated feature films from 22 countries were pitched.

2. Number of projects by country

France 20 Netherlands 2 Norway 1
Germany 7 South Korea 2 Portugal 1
Spain 5 Canada 1 Romania 1
Denmark 3 Estonia 1 Sweden 1
Poland 3 Finland 1 Ukraine 1
Belgium 2 Ireland 1 United Kingdom 1
Czech Republic 2 Latvia 1
Italy 2 Luxembourg 1

3. Number of projects by status

Completed films (sneak previews) 7
Films in production 6
Projects in development 26
Projects in concept 21

4. Number of projects by target audience

Young adults/adults 14
Family 36
Children 8
Pre-school 2

Trailers for pitched projects


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The top 10 projects attracting the most interest

The 60 pitched projects showed a great diversity of genres and graphics, portraying the richness of the European animated film industry. The top 10 projects, which attracted the largest number of audiences, are below.


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The Bears’ Famous Invasion of Sicily
Producer: Prima Linea Productions (France) / Indigo Film (Italy) / France 3 Cinéma (France)

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Unicorn Wars
Producers: Autour de Minuit (France) / UniKo (Spain) / SCHMUBY PRODUCTIONS (France) / Abano Productions (Spain)


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Producer: Dragoia Media (Spain)


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The Sea Wolf
Producers: Elda productions (France) / Je Suis Bien Content (France) / Mélusine (Luxembourg)


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Terra Willy
Producers: TAT productions (France) / BAC Films


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Producers: Mozaic Productions (France) / Letko (Poland)


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Lulu & Nelson
Producer: Les Armateurs (France)


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Another Day of Life
Producers: Platige Films (Poland) / Kanaki Films (Spain) / Walking The Dog (Belgium) / Wüste Film (Germany) / Animationsfabrik (Germany) / Puppetworks (Hungary)


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White Plastic SKy
Producers: Paprika Films (France) / SALTO FILM (Hungary) /Artichoke (Slovakia)


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Allah is not Obliged
Producers: Special Touch Studios (France) / Paul Thiltges Distributions (Luxembourg)



Cartoon Movie Tributes 2018

The Cartoon Movie Tributes 2018, one of the most prestigious prizes for outstanding contribution to the development of European animation over the last year, were decided by the votes of participants.

The winners are:

Director of the Year: Dorota Kobiela (Poland) & Hugh Welchman (UK) for Loving Vincent

Distributor of the Year: Latido Films (Spain)

Producers of the Year: Platige Films (Poland) / Kanaki Films (Spain) / Walking the Dog (Belgium) / Wüste Film (Germany) / Animationsfabrik (Germany) / Puppetworks (Hungary) for Another Day of Life

The first Eurimages Co-production Development Award

The Council of Europe’s Eurimages Fund has joined forces with Cartoon Movie in order to award “The Eurimages Co-production Development Award” to promote the Fund’s role in encouraging international animated co-production from the initial stages of a project. This new award gives the winner a cash prize of €20,000, which must be used by the producers to cover development expenses of the animation project. The project KARA by Sinem Sakaoglu, co-produced by Visual Distractions (Germany) and Beast Animation (Belgium), became the first winner of the award.


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[caption id="attachment_7131" align="aligncenter" width="1200"] Cartoon Movie Tributes 2018[/caption]


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[caption id="attachment_7130" align="aligncenter" width="1200"] The Eurimages Co-production Development Award 2018[/caption]



Spotlight on Animation from Spain

Cartoon Movie 2018 put the spotlight on Spain and Spanish animation, 9 projects (including co-productions) appeared as a constant thread throughout Cartoon Movie 2018. The spotlight on Spain was supported by ICAA (The Institute of Cinematography and Audiovisual Arts, an autonomous body overseen by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of Spain), Diboos, the Spanish Federation of Animation Producers’ Associations (the umbrella body of the sector’s principal association), and Animation from Spain.


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