Animationweek would like to keep you updated on select and summarized information on Animation Production Days (APD) 2021 in Stuttgart, Germany. APD is one of the important business platforms in Europe for you to accelerate your animation project, which is held annually as a part of the Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film (ITFS) and the FMX.

The 15th Animation Production Days 2021

Date: 4th to 7th May, 2021
Event format: Hybrid or online event
1. Animation projects:
You can submit your project via the official website by 22 February 2021.
2. Producers, studios, VFX and service producers looking for projects:
You can register for the Producers for Co-Production programme via the official website by 22 February 2021.
3. Broadcasters, digital platforms, sales and distribution companies, funding bodies, banks and all other industry representatives that can contribute to the financing of animation projects:
You can register as an investor on the official website by 11 March 2021.
4. Young German and European producers, and animation and production degree graduates:
You can apply for the APD “Talent Programme”, which allows you to attend APD for free and to present your own project at APD via the official website by 22 February 2021.
Eligible projects:
Animation projects (including hybrid formats, combining animation and live-action) in the areas of film, TV series, mobile content, games, cross-media and transmedia.
The number of total projects: A maximum of 50 projects will be selected.

Programme Content

1. Financing Market

This forms the heart of APD. Here, producers meet potential financing partners for their newly developed projects.

  • 20 minute one-on-one video meetings, which are individually planned by the APD team, based on the participant’s preferences.
  • Producers of the selected projects receive detailed feedback on the creative concept and market potential of their projects.
  • Broadcasters, sales agents and investors discover fresh and innovative projects (many still in the concept or development stage) and meet both established and up-and-coming producers.
  • Funding institutions advise on co-production and funding issues.
  • The catalog is sent to all Financing Market participants around two weeks before the event.

2. Co-Production Market

This programme brings together international production partners for animation, VFX, games and VR.

  • 20 minute one-on-one video meetings.
  • Meetings are planned in advance by the participants using their online meeting scheduler.
  • Details on what the companies are looking for or offering at APD helps in the targeted search for suitable cooperation partners.

3. APD Conference

The APD conference is an important part of the APD programme and offers focused debates and presentations on current challenges facing the industry. The conference is divided into two thematic blocks:

Section 1: Two to three practice-oriented case studies will be presented to discuss technological innovations or new distribution and financing strategies for animation projects.
Section 2: Broadcasters, SVOD platforms and distributors will present their current programming needs and future programming strategies.

4. APD Talent Programme

With the Talent Programme, APD supports up-and-coming European animation producers and creatives, who want to develop and realize their own project ideas, with its goal to connect newcomers with established experts and decision-makers in the animation industry. You can find the details of the programme here.

Application: You can apply via the official website by 22 February 2021.
Who Can Apply:
– European graduates from universities and film schools with animation as their main field of study
– Young professionals
– Company founders (up to 35 years of age)
Eligible projects: Animation projects from the areas of feature film, TV series, short film, games, cross-media and transmedia projects with potential for the European and/or international market can all be submitted. Hybrid formats that mix live action with animation are also eligible.
The number of total participants: 14 people in total will be accepted. A maximum of two people can apply to participate per project.

5. Trickstar Business Award

“Trickstar Business” is the name of the animation industry’s business prize which will be awarded during APD 2021 by ITFS 2021. The Trickstar Business Award is worth €7,500 and recognizes national or international innovative and groundbreaking business models for projects or companies in the animation industry.

Application: You can find the information and submission form on the “Call for Entries” page of ITFS 2021.
Deadline for submission: 1 March 2021.

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