We are pleased to present the third Animationweek special issue. In this issue, it is our great honor to introduce the leading animation schools of Europe to the world.

One of the distinguishing features of European animation could be described as diversity. You can find diversity in theme, story, visual, and historical background in European animation. We respect and appreciate the variety of different art forms expressed by each of the great artists in Europe.

The richness of animation in Europe are greatly supported by the passions of each European animation school. Each animation school has its roots in the history of each country and contributed to the flourish of European animation as it is now. Each school has developed their program and curriculum based on their own philosophy to push the creativity of their students.

We are pleased in this issue to present to you the information on the leading animation schools in Europe, all in one place, for future animation artists to find the best school for their own path. We hope that this issue serves as one of the best introductory guides for prospective students of the world who wish to step into the rich world of European animation.

For those who are working professionally in the industry, we hope that this issue could serve as a creators bank, a place for you to find future talent. It is in our earnest hope that this issue could unite future graduates of each school and international animation professionals, resulting in the birth of future animation masterpieces.

The leading animation schools in this issue were selected based on the recommendation of animation professionals in each country, listed in alphabetical order of the country. This issue would have not been possible without the support of interviewees who have graciously shared the numerous and precious information of their schools, despite their busy schedule. We are most grateful for their support.

We also would like to express our sincere gratitude to the animation professionals, Annemie Degryse, Cristian Jezdic, Dominique Schuchmann, Iván Agenjo, Jakub Karwowski, Marta Jallageas, and Paul Young, for their invaluable support in making this special issue a reality.

I hope that this guide brings you insight in the best of European animation education.

Hideki Nagaishi (Editor-in-Chief, Animationweek)

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